At Prosel it is our firm belief that no task is so important or urgent that it puts an employee in harm’s way. We go through great efforts to ensure safe working practices are implemented at all times. In-house each of our manufacturing facilities has its own specific safety protocol which emphasizes the need to follow and adhere to safe work practice at all times. This ensures employees are not exposed to uncontrolled health and safety risks.
" Safety Begins with you & meOur Motto: Accidents hurt, Safety doesn’t! "
On the field, each individual work-site presents with its own unique set of risks and challenges. To minimize and rectify these issues before they pose a real hazard our teams conduct a comprehensive site survey. This analysis helps in identifying potential risks which are then relayed to our engineering department.
A variety of problem-solving technics are then employed which may result in modification of sign components, installation modification or additional safety measures ensuring there is no risk.
Our project managers, site supervisors, installation teams and in-house employees undergo constant safety training ensuring we are up to date with the latest safety requirements. This along with complacent staff allows for an ever-improving safety culture within the company environment. This, in turn, minimizes the overall risk of accidents.

We conduct frequent safety spot
checks – unannounced

Total(K) Contractor Training at our premise

Internal Fire Drill Session with the Safety Manager